March 9, 2007

Critical evaluation.

LDNY: a site designed for business professionals commuting to and from London and New York, looking for cultural activities.

I feel the concept, in a niche market, was a good idea. I feel the target market could have been widened to incorporate, not just business people, but holiday makers as well.

After much deliberation I feel changing the name from NYLON to LDNY was a good choice as it made LDNY stand out as a blog. The name is still clever and also gives a clue to the content of the site.

Posting once a day was an attainable goal, I feel by timing the posts at intervals within the day would have made it more attractive to the user.
By regulating the posts to coincide with incoming flights would have made the site more attractive.

There was no definition between posts for New York or London, this very confusing and off putting. If I had more time I would have put flags next to the posts to make this clearer.
Using pictures for every post was an attractive element; this made the site more attractive and less wordy.
I feel the linking within all of the posts was necessary and done well, there was purpose to the links and the links were also relevant.

As team leader I feel was competent, hard at times, but the results can be seen on the site. By making decisions as a team, I feel we became very productive and started to have similar writing style. This made the site more cohesive and successful.
By being very detailed in our production plans I found it less stressful and easier to perform my tasks as restaurant specialist.

The design was disappointing, obviously there are limitations to using blogger and page design was a big fault. The design was basic and rather boring.
While too much detail is distracting, I feel the site looked barren and sterile. If I had more time I would have used a design package to create a more aesthetically pleasing design.

My personal posts, were not my best work, I felt constrained to fill the brief instead of reflecting my true writing style.
On the whole I feel I improved my flow problems and kept to a strict formula of writing that delivered the correct information clearly and concisely.

1 comment:

Jim said...

Good eval. You've covered a lot of the key areas. You haven't talked about the difficulties of sourcing material to write about, especially New York based material. Did you decide that wasn't that much of a problem?

Clearly, you were frustrated by the design - but sometimes on blogs, the design doesn't need stand out/make a statement. You're serving up regular info bites - what's important are the posts. The design shouldn't get in the way of that...

That means it's more of a matter of working with a standard blog structure but working with colour schemes and perhaps putting in some effort on a distinctive banner. I thought your photoshopped LDNY skyline was a nice idea you could have made more of...

What you say about your posts is interesting... I think everyone on your group felt a little constrained by the listings approach - but did it help your writing in other ways? Overall, well done - a really good effort.